Thursday, September 7, 2017

A Simplifed Banishing Meditation

For one who is a beginner in the practice of magic and mysticism, having a method of spiritual protection and banishing of negative energies is of utmost importance. However, even supposedly simple methods, such as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, can seem daunting. 

Here, I have outlined a very simple meditation which hones one's visualization skill and gives the beginner, whether interesting in Wicca, Ceremonial Magic, Thelema or otherwise, an effective tool for banishing and protection.

  • Sit comfortably in a chair or on a floor cushion
  • Take a moment to relax and center the mind
  • Starting on your left hand side, envision a circle a fiery red light-energy forming on the ground around your body.
  • State the following prayer either silently or aloud:

“Oh, (deity name of choice), may this circle protect me from harm on all levels.  May all negative energies and malignant forces be cast forth from it, for, within these boundaries is a sanctuary of true spiritual transformation”

  • Extend the dominate hand out in front of you.
  • Beginning low on the left hand side, draw a large banishing pentagram with the first and second finger, visualizing it in brilliant white light blazing before you.

  • Thrust the fingers into the center of the star stating silently or aloud:

“May this star, which is the emblem of the harmony of the elements of nature, eliminate all negative energies from myself and this place, in the name of (deity name of choice), So Mote It Be.”

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